Meet Our Empowerlife Training Team

Ronald Wayman, CEnK3
For more than 30 years, Ron has dedicated his life to coaching individuals in achieving the desires of their hearts through empowerment and congruency of the heart, mind, body and soul. He has been instructing students in a multitude of techniques he has developed as a Neuro-Energy Kinesiologist, a Certified Enzyme Nutritionist and an Empowerment Emotional Coach. He founded Empowerlife Kinesiology, formerly Sensory Dynamics Institute, ACNEK, and Empowerlife Brain Integration.
His expansive work incorporates breakthroughs in brain-neuroscience, nutrition, body energy systems, sensory integration, focused emotional processing and motivational heart-mind empowerment. Ron is continually developing and teaching new techniques for working with the energy systems of the body, based upon traditional Chinese methodologies. These restructured and original tools assist the practitioner to experience and facilitate tremendous physical, emotional and energetic alchemy. Ron is a former President of the Energy Kinesiology Association, as well as a member of the Touch for Health Association, and American Botanical Council.

Tami Davis, CEnK2
Certified Energy Kinesiologist – Level 3
Certified Instructor & Class Coordinator
American College of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology (now known as Empowerlife Kinesiology), Empowerlife Brain Integration, Empowerlife Kinesiology, Empowerlife Body Integration.
Graphic Designer
Tami has been teaching and helping to create manuals and courses for 17 years. Her organizational and design skills have assisted Ron’s development of several courses utilizing Empowerlife Brain Integration techniques.
Empowerlife Kinesiology Facilitator
For 17 years, she has been coaching children and adults using Empowerlife Kinesiology protocols developed by Ron Wayman, as well as Brain Integration techniques from NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology Institute, LEAP and Feldenkrais Techniques.
Other Training
Body Management (Body Management), Brain Gym Level 1 (BrainGym), Brain Hologram Intensive, Neurotransmitter Hologram (nK Institute), iLs Focus Systems Online Training Safe & Sound Protocol Training (Integrated Listening Systems), Birth and Post-Birth Reflex Integration, My Inner Child: Integration of Lifelong Reflexes into Movement Development (International Neurokinesiology Institute of Movement Development and Reflex Integration – Dr. Svetlana Masgutova (Poland), KABS Series (Dynamic Energies), LEAP (Melbourne Applied Physiology), Massage Therapy Apprenticeship Training (Sarah Williams Healthy Vibrations), Neural Organization Technique (Association of the Neural Organization Technique-North America), Neurolinguistic Training (The
Fullness of Life Foundation), Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 1-2 (nK Institute), SIPS Kinesiology – Level 1, Touch for Health 1-2 (International Kinesiology College)

Debbie Luke, CEnK2
Debbie is a licensed Massage Therapist, a Level 2 Certified Energy Kinesiologist, an Empowerlife Kinesiologist, Instructor, and Coach. Debbie’s Bodywork includes a mix of modalities such as TuiNa, Tai massage, Shiatsu, Polarity, and Reiki.
As an Energy Kinesiologist, she assists clients when they feel stuck – in life, in relationships, unhealthy situations, emotionally or with physical manifestations that show up as pain and injury. Using Muscle Response Testing (an advanced method for muscle testing), Hand Modes, and Acupoints, she identifies incongruency and compensation that cause emotional, physical, mental, and energetic dissonance, working at an unconscious as well as conscious level. Debbie uses Human Design principles in her Coaching. Human Design works as a framework for understanding how we are wired, where we are conditioned, and where our Story can be identified and transformed. This enables us to make effective adjustments in our dealings with life and with relationships.

Julissa Byington, CEnK2
Julissa is a Brain Integration practitioner, with an emphasis in improving cognitive delays. Working with all ability levels, she assists children and adults with Learning and Development issues.
She has a knack with children, particularly ones with special needs. Her specialties include ADHD, ASD, and learning delays. She also works with adults to improve mental states and well-being, as well as cognitive functioning.
Julissa has studied LEAP, Crossinology, Kinergetics, NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology, and Empowerlife Kinesiology, Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration, Primitive Reflexes, and more.
Julissa is on the Brain Integration Certification Board, as well as working with the Empowerlife Kinesiology team to create a training program for practitioners interested in working in the field of Brain Integration.
Sensory Dynamics Center
8817 S Redwood Road, #C
West Jordan, UT 84088
[email protected]
Sensory Dynamics, LLC is the physical location for the trainings under the banners of Empowerlife Kinesiology and Empowerlife Brain Integration, LLC. When possible, we teach courses live and in- person. Most of our offerings are available on our online school platform:
We are a sensory integration center incorporating methodologies of:
Energy Kinesiology
Empowerlife Brain Integration
Nutrition, Enzyme Therapy
NK Institute’s Neuroenergetic Kinesiology
Coaching and Emotional Processing
Massage Therapy
Other Energy Techniques