Empowerlife Kinesiology Online Education

We are excited to share with you many exciting learning opportunities in the field of Energy Kinesiology. The various tools offered can be used for yourself, your family and friends, or in a professional setting. You may use these tools to assist those who need and alternative in their quest of finding answers to their physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship or business needs.
We will teach you how to “listen” to your client or family member in a way that is honoring of that person’s unique way of holding stress in their body or energy system.
Who can benefit from Energy Kinesiology?

Energy Kinesiology can benefit everyone, including those with physical pain, nutritional issues, allergies, emotional trauma and the issues behind financial concerns.
It also helps with understanding relationships, spiritual growth, personal growth and empowerment.
As an Energy Kinesiology practitioner, you offer your clients a real gift: your hands can facilitate the changes that your clients seek to manifest.
It all comes from learning how to communicate with the body. We recognize that we are not the ones doing the healing. Our tools allow us to “talk to the body” and communicate the information that the body needs in order to heal itself.
The coaching aspect of our work gives the individual the information that they may need to shift mentally, emotionally and thus, physically. The process is based on identifying where there is stress in the system and alleviating that stress, allowing the resistance to dissolve and the person to transform into a more self-honoring state.
Learn with a Group, or Independently
Our online school makes it possible for students all over the world to access high quality training in Energy Kinesiology.
We provide premium training to assist individuals in moving past the blocks and sabotages in their lives. This is a powerful, internal work that begins with the student learning how to address their own issues, then supporting them in learning to assist others with theirs.
Our courses have been developed by Ronald Wayman, CEnK3, with the assistance of Tami Davis and Debbie Luke. Ron’s philosophy for working with clients is to use a gentle approach that honors the individual, while providing the tools for healing on a deep level. The primary goal is to empower the individual to take responsibility for their own healing, while removing the energetic blocks that have prevented healing thus far. While integrating Energy Kinesiology practices that are commonly used in the field, most of the methods and procedures we teach are unique to our School. Many of our courses have been developed with the beginning student in mind, providing powerful tools and procedures to enable a new practitioner to achieve lasting results with clients.
For experienced practitioners, the methodologies, mindset and distinctive procedures can greatly enhance the work they do with clients. Our more advanced courses address deep body compensations and emotions held in the tissues. Ron is continually developing new methods to address stress in the body.